Activated carbon from coconut granules is a cylindrical adsorbent obtained from coconut shells by high-temperature steam activation. Due to its homogeneous shape, well-developed pore structure and excellent mechanical strength, this carbon provides high adsorption capacity and low pressure drop. Due to its low ash content and high strength, coconut granule activated carbon is widely used for gas phase purification, solvent regeneration and as catalyst support.

Activated carbon from coconut granules

- Purification of the gas phase
- Solvent regeneration
- Support for catalysis

Raw materials| Coconut shells

Technical specifications
- Quantity of iodine: 1000-1200 mg/g
- Apparent density: 450-500 kg/m³
- Ash content: 4% max.
- Hardness: 97% min.
- Particle size: 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm

- High mechanical strength for durability
- Excellent adsorption capacity for various organic compounds
- Suitable for fixed bed adsorbers in the gas phase

Activated carbon in carbon granules is a cylindrical adsorbent made from selected coal using advanced activation technologies. It has a homogeneous shape, well-developed pore network and high density. Due to its excellent adsorption capacity and low pressure drop, activated carbon in the form of carbon granules is particularly suitable for gas phase applications including solvent recovery, air purification, and as a catalyst in various industrial processes.

Activated carbon from coal pellets

- Purification of the gas phase
- Solvent regeneration
- Support for catalysis

Raw materials| Coal base

Technical specifications
- Amount of iodine: 850-1050 mg/g
- Apparent density: 400-500 kg/m³
- Ash content: 12% max.
- Hardness: 98% min.
- Particle size: 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm

- High mechanical strength for longer service life
- Good adsorption capacity for various organic compounds
- Suitable for fixed bed adsorbers in the gas phase

Activated carbon from wood pellets is an environmentally friendly adsorbent obtained from environmentally friendly wood sources by high-temperature steam activation and granulation. Due to its uniform cylindrical shape, well-developed pore structure and high surface area, it provides excellent adsorption capacity and low pressure drop. Due to its renewable origin, good mechanical strength and versatile adsorption properties, activated carbon in wood pellets is widely used for air and gas purification, solvent recovery, in various industrial applications requiring efficient removal of pollutants.

Activated carbon from wood pellets

- Adsorption in the gas phase
- Support for catalysis
- Solvent regeneration

Raw materials|Tree

Technical specifications
- Iodine number: 900-1200 mg/g
- Apparent density: 440-520 kg/m³
- Ash content: 10% max.
- KTK: 50-100% 
- Particle size: 2 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm

- High mechanical strength for longer service life
- Excellent adsorption capacity for various organic compounds
- Suitable for both liquid and vapor phase applications

Фабричное шоу

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